Sunday, July 23, 2023

Washed Out

I changed projects today and picked up Joji’s Washed Out. I am on row 27 of the lace border and was so happy because there are 32 rows and then I’m finished. Not so fast. I have to repeat rows 1-16 again. 

Here is Sandra’s Alpine Bloom so far. It is stunning!

I have finished the pattern section and now working on the body.
I absolutely love the colour of the Himalayan Salt (Practically Perfect Sock), and the Zauberball Privy Council is the perfect amount of colour.  
I was trying to go for a soft pink feel and didn't want a high contrast.  It complements the pink better than I thought it would.

The dogs are home and they are tired. They’ve slept most of the day. The cottage tires them out.
Now back to the knitting.

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