Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Song of the Moon

Zanete Knits has a new pattern. You can purchase the pattern for Song of the Moon on Ravelry.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Latvian folklore with this captivating sweater pattern. Inspired by the mesmerising beauty of the Moon, adorned with the celestial symbol of renewal and growth, it is aptly named “Song of the Moon”. 

Embark on a journey to a time when singing was woven into the fabric of everyday life for Latvians. Every task, from sunrise to sunset, was accompanied by a melodious chorus. Just imagine, even the Moon would have been a magnificent singer, captivating farmers and all who revered its celestial presence. 

Experience the magic of tradition as the cycle of life comes alive in this delightful design. Explore the cosmic connection between the Moon’s strength and the flourishing of all living things.  

Discover the melody of Latvian culture, woven with threads of history and folklore, in this extraordinary sweater pattern.

The sweater is knit in fingering weight yarn. I’m sure many of you have stash yarn for the colourwork. 😀

We said goodbye to Lucy on Sunday afternoon. She took a turn last Monday at the cottage and quickly went downhill. It wasn’t something we wanted to do but it was the best for her. She wasn’t going to get any better and she was in pain at the end. There were lots of tears but we’ve all come to terms with it. She is in heaven with mom and they are enjoying their time together. She was a great dog!

We spent a lot of time at dad’s last week. You might have noticed that my posts were short. When we got home I didn’t feel like writing. 

Dad, Beth and the dogs went to the cottage this morning. Dad needed some time away. Boscoe is keeping his grampy company.

The Jays are on and I’m going to watch for a bit. There has been some knitting this past week. I’ve knit 5” past the armholes on Alpine Bloom. I think I’m going to add extra length - Caitlin designs short sweaters and I like mine a bit (okay more than a bit) longer.


  1. Adrienne8:57 PM

    So sorry about Lucy - she lived her absolute best life being loved by your family. I’m sure she’ll be missed immensely.

  2. I am so sorry to read this. My husband and I have both enjoyed reading about Lucy's adventures with her family. She was obviously a joy to you, and you to her.

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I loved the posts that included pictures and news about all the dogs. They are all special and I know how hard it is to say goodby to a dog. They are truly family members. One of my favorite pictures of Lucy was when your Dad was going and coming from Myrtle Beach and stopped at a Dairy Queen for Lucy to get a cone. I know she will be missed by all of your family and your readers as well.

  4. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I am sorry to hear this. Your dad is going to miss her terribly. I will miss you writing about her exploits. I don't have a pet and reading about yours makes me happy.

  5. I’m so sorry to read you’ve said goodbye to Lucy. I know she’ll be missed in your Dad’s community too.

  6. Marion12:08 AM

    Oh Julie,
    I’m so sorry for all of you! Lucy was truly loved by not only your family but by many of your readers!
    We will all miss her.

  7. Anonymous6:10 AM

    So sorry about Lucy

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy, Julie. Hugs to you

  9. Always so sad when a family pet is gone, leaves lots of gaps, but some great memories!

  10. So very sad for you all. She was a great presence in all your lives. Enjoy the memories and there's nothing wrong with a good cry.

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Lucy how lucky she was to have all of you as family

  12. I’m so sad for you all. I’ve very much enjoyed reading the Lucy stories over the years and I’ll definitely miss reading about her.

  13. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I am so sorry to hear about Lucy. I know it’s such a sad sad loss for your dad and your family. My heart goes out to you, it’s the worst.

  14. I am sorry for your loss. She was definitely a presence in your lives and I know you will miss her.

  15. Oh Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy. I know you said she was doing poorly, but that had to have been shockingly fast for you all. My condolences to you and Beth and your dad. She was A Good Dog. XXs

  16. Anonymous12:09 AM

    So sorry Julie, our pets are truly one of the family.

  17. I am so sorry for your loss, Julie. Lucy was a beautiful girl and I know she had a good life, filled with love and adventures. I love the pics you shared, especially of puppy Lucy. May thoughts of Lucy and your mom united bring peace to you, Beth, and your dad.

  18. Sarah Lee-Belsher2:35 PM

    I’m sorry to hear about Lucy. I know firsthand how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Your posts and stories show how much she was loved - she was lucky to have you guys for her family.

  19. Julie, I am so sorry to hear about Lucy’s passing. Those fur babes always take a piece of our hearts with them.

  20. Hi Julie I have been catching up on my media and emails as I had been away for three weeks, so I just read about Lucy I am so so sorry. Sending condolences, hugs to you and your family. Lucy is loved and she knows that. I feel like I knew Lucy too from your posts and pictures. It’s so hard losing a cherished pet.
