Monday, July 17, 2023

New pattern and MKAL

This is the Sonja Sweater - a new pattern from PetiteKnit. You can purchase the pattern on Ravelry.
The Sonja Sweater is worked from the top down in stockinette stitch. First, the top part of the back yoke is worked flat. Then, stitches for the shoulders are picked up and knitted along the cast-on edge of the back yoke. The shoulders are shaped using short rows. The front and back yoke are joined at the underarms and the body is worked in the round on a circular needle. Stitches are then picked up and knitted along the underarms for the sleeves, which are worked in the round. At the end, stitches are picked up and knitted along the neck edge, where a ribbed edge is first worked and then folded over to the inside and knitted down on the wrong side. The Sonja Sweater does not require any finishing.
Photos © PetiteKnit
The sweater is knit in worsted weight. You have many yarn options.

Casapinka has a MKAL (Mystery Knit A Long) starting later this week. You can purchase the pattern (the first clue comes on July 21st) on Ravelry.

You need 4 colours of fingering weight yarn.

We used a 3 colored fade with a contrast color that is used more sparingly. Our fade doesn’t have a ton of contrast but contrasting yarns are also great if you want to use them. We have 2 speckles in ours but use whatever you want.

I’m taking tomorrow off to go tile shopping. We are adding another bathroom to the cottage. Right now we have one which is livable but two will make life easier. No more knocking on the door for someone to hurry. We have furniture to go to the cottage so we need to rent the barge. While we are doing that we are going to load it up as much as possible. Tile, fixtures, cabinet, shower doors…

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