Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, July 31, 2023

Ghost Dancer

Melanie Berg has a new pattern called Ghost Dancer and you can purchase it on Ravelry.

Ghost Dancer is sure to turn heads with its intricate geometric pattern — but you don’t have to tell anyone how easy it actually was! Thanks to the mosaic technique, this lovely triangle shawl is far less complicated to knit than it looks. 

Slipped stitches create the design, with a wide ribbed border to finish off the edge.

The shawl is knit with four colours of fingering weight yarn. 

A shipment is on the way from Atenti. Here is a brand new embroidered fabric that is amazing and we will have Hope Baskets made with it.

Fred found dad’s front garden. There are many trampled plants.

Beth doesn’t have much room at her desk.

The new bed for the backseat of dad’s truck. It’s now the office bed.

Dad has to be up at 3am to drive to Windsor. They are pouring an arena floor tomorrow. Dad loves pour day and wouldn’t miss it for anything. We are keeping Fred overnight. Wish us luck.


  1. Indeed, that new shawl is gorgeous.

    Fred and your other critters are darling! I love little Fred! We have little Lily here, Labrador almost 5 months old. Ah, the adventures of having a puppy in the house again. The older dogs are asking when we are going to return her, but she'll fit in eventually.... ;)

    I so enjoy your posts!

  2. Diane Brokenshire10:13 AM

    Please say.hello to your Dad It pleasure to know him when he and his sterling crew did the renovation at First Place Hamilton. A fine man.
