Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, May 02, 2023


I had a bit of time to knit today. 

Bluegrass is progressing and it’s a fun knit. The I-Cord cast on caused a bit of problems but it was my problem, not the pattern. We were watching hockey, baseball and a tense episode of Chicago Fire. I had to rip out a few rows and then couldn’t get the stitches back on my needles correctly. I restarted (because I was getting frustrated and starting again seemed like a smart idea) and the second time was a charm.

Wool & Pine has a very comprehensive video that explains all the stitches very well.

Lucy doesn’t do well when dad is away. I finally got her set in the kitchen. I had to sit beside her for the afternoon but it made her happy.

My iPad was beside me but I didn’t do any work. I couldn’t stop knitting. Everything has been moved to the knitting chair and I’m going to do some more rows while watching the hockey and baseball.

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