Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, September 05, 2022

Happy Labour Day

Here is a better picture of my Nightshift.

I finished the body of Elah today. It is cast off and I need to pick up the sleeves. That will be tomorrow’s job. I made my armholes deeper than what the pattern called for so I need to pick up more stitches. I want to make sure I have the ratio correct and 8pm isn’t the time to be doing math. I’ll knit a bit on my Nightshift tonight.
Diana sent pictures of the Earth Stripe Wrap. I love how the colours are coming out.

It was a rest day for me. I thought about going to the store but I’ll go in early tomorrow to pack boxes. I might be unpacking as well. The box of Atenti bags should be coming tomorrow or Wednesday.
The dogs are resting too!

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