Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Flower Garden

There were a few rows knit today while watching the golf. This is the perfect project. There are only 2 rows to memorize. I like how the colours are playing together. It reminds me of a garden.
There were thoughts about starting Brioche today but I wasn’t feeling it. Maybe tomorrow when I can pay a bit more attention.

We had breakfast at dad’s this morning. Then it was a fight to get the pills in Lucy but we did it. I snapped a picture of her lying quietly with ice on her leg. This reminds me of baby Lucy - she would lie like this all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren8:17 AM

    I hope Lucy is well on the road to recovery. When I had to give pills to our dog, I used the Greenies Pill Pockets which are soft and I could mould it around the capsule. He actually like them!
