Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, March 04, 2021

The Great Escape

Isabell Kraemer has a new pattern knit in fingering weight yarn. You can purchase the pattern for Laila on Ravelry.
Laia is a sister pattern to Eula (published March 2019) and is a stockinette, buttonless version. It is worked seamlessly from the top down with a cute lace pattern around the top of the yoke. First some short rows are worked back and forth to create a higher back neck and then the yoke is worked in rounds top down to sleeve separation. Some last short rows are worked to finish the yoke shaping right before sleeve stitches are placed on hold, then the body is worked down to the ribbing. For both sleeve length options, held stitches are placed back on the needles to knit the sleeves top down to the cuffs. No additional finishing required.

Photos © Isabell Kramer.

A new magazine is coming from Rowan on Monday

Featuring garments and accessories, these knits are suitable for children aged 3-12 years

My knitting is growing slowly. Tough Love Sock is a great yarn to knit with.
Beth and Boscoe went to the dog park yesterday morning. He wasn’t the cleanest boy when he came home but he was very tired. It’s a good thing he got some rest. Dad and Lucy came for dinner and we were getting ready to eat when I saw that the front door was open. Boscoe was gone. Beth and dad ran out and called and called and he came running. Beth said he was moving fast to come home. Thank goodness all the recall training he had worked.

Over the next few weeks I might not blog every day. It will depend on how I am feeling. My body is getting better every day but I am having a hard time sleeping. I’m going to try blogging during the day and not at night but plans don’t always work out how you want them to.


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Hope you feel better soon. Those rear end collisions can be very stressful to the body, even when it appears you don't have serious injuries. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Love your blog!

  2. Will miss your daily blogs but it is more important that you listen to your body and rest as much as you need. Best wishes Kathy R.

  3. Be good to yourself. If you didn't have your own business you would likely be off work for quite some time to recover. Take care of you.

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Take care of yourself. Accidents are awful.
    Cheryl aka seajaes on ravelry

  5. Take care of yourself Julie. Every day I read your blog with my morning tea. If there is no new post I read the latest blog again, it’s always good a second time around. I think of you getting stronger each day. Best wishes.
