Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, February 22, 2021

I’m OK

I had a crazy busy day in the store on Saturday. I came home and started a new project and was having fun knitting. I decided I would post yesterday.

I started a shawl in Urth Galatea. I need to get further before I show you.

Yesterday (Sunday) started out as a great day. We had breakfast with dad and then I stopped at Denningers on the way home. Everything was going good. 

I am okay but I was in a car accident. My back is sore. My right wrist is really sore which makes knitting hard. My calves are sore too. I feel like I was hit by a truck. And I was. A Dodge Ram. My Edge is written off. The trunk is in the back seat. 

Lynn is going to hold down the fort this week. I am going to work from home and help her with shipping. Please be patient. We are trying to get everything in the mail as quickly as possible. The same with pick ups - we will contact you as soon as your order is ready.

I have been waiting for over a year and my new car arrived this morning. Good timing. I am getting the new Mustang Mach E which is an electric car. I hope to have it by the end of the week. For now Beth is my chauffeur.


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! I’m so glad you’re ok, your car not so much. Take care! Jan

  2. Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident and see your vehicle. I'm sure you are hurting and shocked but grateful you are safe. Take care of you and rest and recover. Hugs 🤗

  3. Holy smokes, Julie. A truck?! Stay vigilant with your injuries and don't disregard anything because other concerns may yet show themselves. Take care

  4. glad you are ok sorry about the accident

  5. Wow - I’m glad you’re okay. I hope you don’t have lasting pain from this. Take care.

  6. Laura7:07 AM

    Rest up and be well, Julie.

  7. Hi Julie, I'm so sorry about this...but so glad you are okay...that's the most important thing! Let's hope your wrist recovers soon. Thinking of you...

  8. Sorry to hear about your accident. It's the after effects, pain, and paper work! Take it easy, and rest, it's the best for recovery!

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad you walked away from that mess. It looks awful. Rest up and take care.

  10. Very glad you escaped without more serious injuries! I was in a crash much like this a long time ago - a drunk driver hit our car and the trunk ended up in the back seat like yours - and I was lucky enough to get away with some bruised knees and a sore neck. I can recommend some hot baths and lots of epsom salts.

    Feel better soon so you can play with your new toy.

  11. Adrienne1:11 PM

    So sorry to hear about your accident, but glad to hear that you are doing okay. Rest up and take care of yourself!

  12. Julie I was on your store website to see if you were open this morning and read your vehicle was hit by a truck Saturday. So sorry this happened to you. Now all the inconvenience with the vehicle and all the nasty aches and pains that go along with that. Give yourself time to heal and don't sign off on anything. Gentle hugs!

  13. Kathleen7:00 PM

    That sure was a nasty hit. Hope you are okay rest.

  14. Anonymous8:20 PM

    So sorry to see that you were in an accident on Sunday. Take whatever time you need to recover. Thinking of you!

  15. That must have been scary! Glad you weren't seriously injured. Enjoy some rest!

  16. Take all the time you need to rest up and heal. So glad you are relatively ok. Hope to see you in your store "soon".

  17. Valerie8:45 PM

    Those pictures look nasty, hope you are feeling better! Take as much time as you need for recovery

  18. Wow, that's quite the bang up! Hope you are on the mend, and feeling great about the new wheels!

  19. Julie im so sorry to hear of your accident. I'm glad your okay. Take it easy x

  20. I've been hearing more and more about these sorts of accidents lately. Glad you're okay. Hope you heal quickly.

  21. Just catching up on the blog. So sorry to hear about your accident. I am just recovering from Jaw surgery I had two weeks ago due to a car accident I had years ago. Take care of yourself.

  22. Your vehicle is replaceable, you are not. So glad to know you are okay.

  23. I know I’m a week late, but I’m so relieved that you’re okay. It’s funny, I’ve never met you but reading your blog makes me feel like I know you a bit. The internet is so weird that way.
    Wow, it looks like the Ram never even hit the brakes. I hope you continue to take it easy. You might consider seeing a chiropractor after you’re out of the acute part of this- an impact like that can knock things out of alignment and create subtle but chronic problems. Of course, chiropractic isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but mine changed my life.
    I hope you can get back to your normal knitting routine soon.
    I’m so relieved that you are going to be okay.
