Saturday, January 02, 2021

Something Old and Something New

Jennifer Steingass has a new pattern. Meet Goldenfern - you can purchase the pattern on Ravelry.

Goldenfern is a simple, seamless circular yoke sweater with colorwork details on the body and sleeve cuffs. This design is inspired by ferns lit aglow by the sunset on an evening walk in the forest. Knit from the top down, you can try on this sweater while it’s in progress, for your ideal fit. This yoke is very easy to knit - it includes a little bit of raglan shaping before the body and sleeve separation, to make for a great fit in the shoulders. After knitting just a few inches / centimeters of the body, the fun part begins - the ferns! Using 3 colors of your choice and going from lightest to darkest, create a fading effect as you knit the colorwork. With cuffs that echo the body design, you might find yourself knitting your sleeves a little faster than usual, so you can knit more of the fun colorwork at the end!

Photos © Jennifer Steingass 
Take a look at all the finished sweaters on Ravelry. There are some gorgeous combinations. If you don’t want to use three colours of fingering for the colour work a skein of the Dyed in the Wool would work great.

I laid out colours of the new Kid Seta with different fingering weight yarns to show combinations for Love Note (pattern purchased on Tin Can Knits website.)

Photos © Andrea Mowry

Kid Seta colour 63 and Le Petit Lambswool in colour Green Pink Turquoise.
Kid Seta 34 and Le Petit Lambswool Candy
Kid Seta 63 and Le Petit Candy. 
Kid Seta 37 and Le Petit Candy. I just noticed that Candy is different in the three pictures. It is like the first and last picture. More grey base than a beige base.
Kid Seta 65 and Dark Blue Turquoise Le Petit Lambswool.
Kid Seta 65 and Pink Green Turquoise Le Petit Lambswool.
Kid Seta 69 and Hedgehog Skinny Singles Matchstick.
Kid Seta colour 36 and tosh merino light in Vintage Sari.

I was going through my pattern library on Ravelry and came across this pattern from Sally Melville. What a great stash buster. And the finished shawl is beautiful.
This is called Necessary Neutral and you can purchase the pattern on Ravelry.

Photos © Sally Melville
You might not know but Sally is one of the founding members of the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters Guild. She has taught across North America including twice at Knitting Camp. You can’t go wrong with one of her patterns.

Not only was this a fun knit (because I was always doing something), but it’s completion felt like an act of virtue! Here’s why… .

Whether or not we knit socks, we buy fingering yarns. And then, miraculously, we have a collection—of partial skeins or skeins for which we have forgotten the intended purpose. After many months of pondering the beautiful dilemma that was reflected in my own collection’s disuse, I designed and knit a shawl.

But while the virtue of using leftovers needs no explanation, you do not need to only use leftovers. Immediately after finishing my shawl, I purchased 6 new yarns—including some precious Prism yarns—to begin another!

It’s hockey time. The Canadian Juniors are playing. 

1 comment:

  1. Why does Biches and Buches have to come up with all these gorgeous new shades?? Too tempting!! One of my favourite yarns. Happy New Year!
