Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Hug Shot

Bronwyn (aka Casapinka) sent this email out today. She said that I could share with you

Hi Everyone,

I'm writing to let you know that with the current situation in terms of the protests around the country and the attention we need to be giving to our black fiber sisters and brothers, and black people around the world, the "Hug Shot" promotion will continue though the following Sunday, June 14. That weekend, according to Sharon From Security, happens to be World Wide Knit in Public While Feeding your Pet Extra Anchovies Weekend so it works out for just fine.

Since people have already sold yarn and given out codes, I will still publish the pattern this Friday as planned so codes can be redeemed. You may promote and sell kits next week as well and the codes will be honored through that Sunday.

Please consider giving "Hug Shot" promotions a rest this week as we honor black people and promote ways to help conquer racism and focus on what is happening in our country. I hope that if any of you have doubts whether racism exists, you can take a minute and try something. Imagine your son, brother or husband going out into the world every day and wondering if he will come home. I can easily picture this with my 13 year old son. That constant stress that simmers under the surface: Will he come home tonight? Will he be killed for being black? And if not killed, when is the next time he will get a "look" while shopping or riding his bike? Who will call the cops on my baby when he's just doing teen boy things like hanging out with friends, getting food or going to the movies - just because he looks "suspicious"? This is what happens to black people all the time while doing something that is perfectly ordinary: Birdwatching in the park, jogging, driving through a predominantly white area, shopping for yarn (we all know GG's story about this.)

It seems easy to see that racism is alive and well when you imagine one of your loved ones in one of these situations. If you've had difficulty relating to this or subscribe to the "All Lives Matter" school of thought, I just ask that you do that one visualization exercise. See if you can expand your heart to acknowledge that if this were you and your family and your daily reality, you would be angry, hurting and pissed off as hell. You would be protesting if you could, and when the Commander-in-Chief suggested there should be more violence, you would feel even more enraged.

With this in mind, people keep asking what they can do. There are tons of ways and places to donate all over Instagram right now. But here's something you can do on your own: Talk to someone who spouts the "All Lives Matter" propaganda. Get them to visualize their son or loved one being taught how to place his hands on the dashboard when learning to drive (if the police stop you, this is what black teens are taught to avoid being shot for a random traffic stop.) See if you can take a step to change someone's mind or introduce a different way of thinking about racism. Just get it started. Black people are not protesting because they are bored of lockdown; it is literally life and death and those who are protesting peacefully with them see this, and see their pain.

When giving out codes next week, please continue to be VERY SPECIFIC ABOUT WHEN THEY EXPIRE. This is 11:59pm PST on Sunday, June 14. I'm having to hire a couple of people to manage the codes next week for me (sooo many people can't seem to do it correctly - you'll see if you haven't already!) so I can get back to my regular work. The deadline will not be extended pass that Sunday. If people don't redeem their codes in time, they will be referred back to you to purchase the pattern for them (this is not to be a jerk - it's a way for me to avoid hundreds of emails.)

Thank you for all of the support and cooperation; because all of you were so helpful last month, it made it possible for me to do it again.

Hugs to all of you. Stay safe and let's be there for our fellow humans.



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