Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Shift

Susan has been busy - she sent me a picture today of her finished Shift in the original colourway. What a great looking cowl. Susan did an amazing job!

Susan included this in her email
I love how the colours turned out. Perfect for this cold “spring” weather

I put together a few combinations this afternoon.

This is our store sample.
If you would like to knit a Shift but are having a hard time choosing colours, please send me an email telling me at least one colour of Dyed in the Wool that you like. I can make a few combinations and send you a picture.
Brian Smith has a new shawl pattern called Cascade Shawl 35. I love the shape. The only thing the shawl needs is one of our new Shawl Cuffs.
Sometimes, all you need is a simple pattern and a good quality yarn. This kite shawl, uses Cascade’s 220 Merino, working stocking stitch with a garter ridge for interest. This would suit a confident beginner plus. 
The yarn he used isn't available in Canada yet but you can easily use Cascade 220, Cascade 220 Heathers or Cascade 220 Superwash Merino.

Our little buddy has been wearing a cone for a week. He had 'six month old boy dog surgery' last week. All is well but he doesn't like his cone.

1 comment:

  1. The shift cowls are just beautiful! And, poor little buddy in the party hat. Our big guy needed one when he had knee surgery, but he didn't try to reach his leg so was able to go without it. The surgery cut short his agility and dock diving careers, but he is happy being Chief of Security here now.
