Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Fading Point

Linda came to pick up yarn this afternoon and was waving a shawl at me from across the parking lot. It was beautiful.
We did a quick socially distanced fashion shoot. This is Fading Point in tosh merino light.
Linda's colours are stunning.
She threw it in the back of her van and walked away so I could take it and get some more pictures.

Fading Point ranks very high on my list of favourite patterns. I have finished one and another is almost finished. I love wearing the shawl. So I decided to pull my shawl out and get it done. I have both pieces. No problem. I have 4 balls of yarn. WHAT? There are 5 colours. I had to do a lot of searching the find the 5th ball but I did.

Then I looked for any notes. I found them.
I think I have 30 rows to go before joining the two sides. So close - why did I put it away??

Pretend Trip Day 2
(What I would have done in Vegas if I was there)
This morning I was up early and went to The Mirage for breakfast at The Pantry. I am a creature of habit. I have the same thing every morning. Why change if it's good?
I rented a car for my trip. Isn't it cute?? I drove my little friend over to The Bellagio to see the Conservatory.

The flowers were as beautiful as ever.
The fountains at The Bellagio are a must see every trip. Now a short nap. Tonight the Vegas Golden Knights are playing.


  1. I so enjoy the details of your virtual trip. It's actually like a mini travelogue. Where to go and what to see when we can actually go.

  2. What a lovely shawl and fun trip, too. :) We had an exciting trip to the post office and pharmacy yesterday. But, wait, things are getting better! Next week we may go to the wood store for supplies for My Honey. ;)
