Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, September 16, 2019

New arrivals and new projects

Catherine at ZigZag Stitches sent an email this afternoon that bags are on the way to us. We should see them by the end of the week. We will have the same styles (Wedges and Drawstring) with lots of new colours.

We have new Shawl Cuffs. There wasn't time today to do all the photography but I should be able to do it tomorrow.

We have a new book. The blankets are awesome!

I am knitting away on my sweater for the Woodstock Fleece Festival (pictures tomorrow when you can see the start of the colour work). Lynn and I are making Newleaf in Le Petit Lambswool and Dyed in the Wool. Sarah and Wannietta are making Carlina. Sarah is using the same yarns as Lynn and I. Wannietta is using Cottage Donegal Tweed Sock and Dyed in the Wool.

Wannietta started hers on Saturday evening. My guess is that the colourwork will be finished in the next few days.

Beth's Montana Mountain Cowl is looking really good. She's already picking colours for another one. I did the provisional cast on (the fuchsia) and the rest is up to her.

Lynn and I hustled today and the store is almost back in order. It's early to bed tonight so that I am ready for tomorrow's chores.

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