Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Elvis is back

I started thinking about my mini skeins last night in bed and all of a sudden a light bulb went off. Why not use tosh unicorn tails?
I'm really happy with this combination.
Dad came this morning and we have shelves. All the pretty Hedgehog skeins live together now.

Mr. and Ms. UPS visited this afternoon to deliver a large box from Meadowcroft Dyeworks. The new colours in Rockshelter Sock are amazing.

Blacklight Elvis is back.

Diana used Rockshelter Sock for her Fading Point. All the colours are back in stock.

It finally happened. I picked up the second sleeve. Lynn was snapping pictures and I hope you can see what I was doing. (Take the needle from the purl side to the knit side, pick up the yarn and take it back to the purl side). The Comfort Fade Cardi is knit in Reverse Stocking Stitch. The sleeves are knit on circular needles. If you want the purl side out you need to purl every row. Oh my goodness. That would be so slow. The designer, Andrea Mowry, suggests knitting the sleeves inside out so that you are knitting every row. That's good but you need to make sure that you pick up the stitches back to front to insure that the seam is on the inside of your sleeve.

I have so many more pictures to show but I'm saving them for tomorrow. Sarah finished the body on her Comfort Fade Cardi. I cast on Time Trades. Thank you Lynn for winding my unicorn tails this afternoon. I made up kits using Rockshelter. Now it's bed time. A customer asked today if I was okay. She said 'you look exhausted'. I guess I need a good night's sleep.


  1. LOVE the Tosh Unicorn Tails combination. Has me thinking . . .

  2. Candice. I cast on last night. Today's post already has a lot of pictures so I'm saving the start of the shawl for tomorrow. I think it is going to be gorgeous.
