Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Will I make it?

Lilli Pilli is growing. Faster than I thought it would. Getting up at 6am to watch the Olympics has given me a lot of time to knit.
The orange locking stitch marker marks 50 stripes. This section will be 100 stripes - I have 36 to go. Then 50 rows of lace and I'm finished. I'm on schedule to finish before the end of the Olympics. On schedule should be underlined in that sentence. Will I make it?

Beth and I spent time with dad today. We decided to clean out his cupboards for the Food Drive. Thanks dad. We found lots. You will need to go grocery shopping soon :)

Here is dad getting Lucy ready for a walk. First the harness. It's like wrestling a calf.

Someone was very tired this evening. Her body is on the couch and her front legs are on the floor. She is one weird dog.

1 comment:

  1. Should put our dogs together. Maybe we'll get two not so weird dogs. My Poodle lays with his upper body on the bed or chair or whatever and his back feet on the ground.
