Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


I mentioned yesterday that we've had a crazy few days. I try to keep my blog posts upbeat and positive. Today I'm sharing sadness with you.
My mom passed away Sunday morning. Mom and dad were in Myrtle Beach. We got Beth a plane ticket right away and she was in Myrtle Beach Sunday night.

I'm sharing with you because many of you know my mom. She worked in the store when we first opened. I blog a lot about my family so you've heard stories about her.

I'm also sharing so you understand why I will be in and out for the next few weeks. There could be tears and I might not be myself. Cathy, Lynn and Alex will be in the store and I will be there as much as I can.

We know that she is in heaven. We know that she is no longer in pain. But it's hard. It happened suddenly so we didn't get to say goodbye. I am very thankful that I called her Saturday night before I went to bed and said good night.
We've shed a lot of tears and have had a few laughs as well.

Beth flew from Buffalo to Charlotte. She had a very short time to make her connection. She let me know that she landed and was rushing to another terminal for her flight to Myrtle Beach. I checked online and her flight was slightly delayed. She had time to use the washroom. We were talking as she was walking and continued when she went into the stall. It was one of those days. She sat down and said "*%%$)__^$$ I don't have any toilet paper." We hung up and she called me back when she was walking through the terminal. She said "Mom was looking out for me. I had packages of Kleenex in my pocket".

We love you mom.


  1. So sorry to hear about this, Julie. A mother's passing is never easy. Thinking of you.

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mother in August and understand what your going threw. Will say a pray for your family.
    Theresa in MI

  3. Sending warm loving hugs to you and Beth. Thinking of you. Julie Ann xo

  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    My sincere condolences, Julie. Your mom will always be with you.
    Jan Roser

  5. Julie
    Thinking of you, Beth and your Dad.

  6. Carolyn6:52 AM

    Hi Julie - I'm so sorry. I lost my Mom last year so I can understand to a certain extent what you're going through. Life will never be the same again. I hope you are able to take care of yourself and give yourself the time you need.

  7. Laura7:11 AM

    My condolences. Always remember that you hold her in your heart and she is always with you. Take care.

  8. Oh, dear, I'm so very sorry.

  9. I’m so sad for you Julie. Remember all the good times and laughs. She will always be alive in your heart. And with you every day. I know what your pain is. I’ve been in your shoes. Be sad it’s ok but always look for the sunshine.

  10. I am so sorry for your loss. May your happy memories bring your family peace and comfort at this very sad time.

  11. I am very sorry to hear about your loss.

  12. So sorry for your loss Julie. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Beth and your family.

  13. Debbie E8:50 AM

    I'm so very sorry for your loss Julie, condolences to you and your family.

  14. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I’m so very sorry, Julie. This is heartbreaking.

  15. Your Mom was always good to me when I was little. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. Our thoughts go out to you and Beth (and your Dad) as you go through this difficult time. Betsy P.

  17. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I’m so so sorry to hear about your Mom. Thinking of you, Beth and your dad during this challenging time.


  18. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Julie, I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom. Thinking about you, Beth and your Dad at this challenging time.

  19. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I so sorry to hear that terribly sad news

  20. My thoughts are with you and Beth today. You use to hear all my Mom stories so I know how difficult this will be for you and your family. Take care. Rhona

  21. Julie, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  22. Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you, your dad and your sister. Sending hugs. XO Meaghan Hastie (Julie Ann's daughter)

  23. Oh Julie!! I will hold you and your family in my prayers. Praying you will have the strength to make it through the next week, and the God will comfort you and your family as you grieve the loss of your mother and friend!

  24. Anonymous5:57 PM

    So sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to you, Beth and your dad.

  25. Julie My heart hurts at the news of your mom's passing. She was truly a lovely lady. My thoughts are with you and your family. Much love Donna

  26. Julie,

    I feel so sad for Beth, you and especially your Dad. This will be hard on him. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. Take care and I want you to know I always thought about, and will continue to think of, your Mom when I go past the original store on Fennel.

    Take care.
    Hugs to you both.

  27. Julia and Beth I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers.


  28. Julie and Beth I am so sorry for the loss of your Mum. I will keep your family in my prayers.


  29. Linda Rumberg8:20 PM

    Julie so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and family

  30. Linda Rumberg9:11 PM

    So very sorry for your loss Julie and Beth. Thinking of you and family

  31. Haylie9:30 PM

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You and your family are in my thoughts during this difficult time.

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about Karen. Please know my thoughts are with you and Beth and your dad.

  33. Ellen6:57 AM

    Sorry to hear about your mom Julie. Treasure your memories of her.

  34. Julie, my condolences.....your Mom will always be with you.

  35. 'Family' is the running thread through your posts, and obviously as strong a passion as knitting. Your mother raised you well! My condolences at this most sad and painful time.

  36. So very sorry to hear of your mother's passing.

  37. Anonymous8:20 PM

    How very sad for your Dad and you and your sister and the rest of your family. My sympathies to you - losing a parent is very tough. Take care of yourselves.

  38. Dear Julie, I am so very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. I love to read your blog and it is obvious that you are a close and loving unit. Do what you must to take care of yourself in the weeks and months ahead. The love your family shares will be with you always.
