Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Coming Soon

Today was spent getting the website ready for two shipments. 1500 skeins should be leaving Texas at the end of the week. We'll have fun unpacking all the tosh. There are new colours coming in merino light.

Bronze Age

There will be 12 colours in all. We are low on existing colours as well and after next week the shelves will be full again.

Early next week a shipment will be leaving Ireland with new colours from Hedgehog.
Cheeky. There are 11 new colours in all.

It's going to be a fun week.

I made it to the fourth colour (on the left). To blend in the new colour you work 2 rows of the new colour, 2 rows of the old... 4 times. Then the old colour is cut.
Wannietta's Rainbow in the Gorge is growing and it looks awesome. I love the colour gradation.

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