Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, July 02, 2015

The Boom is getting bigger

I hope everyone had a great Canada Day yesterday. Beth and I golfed but there wasn't good planning on my part. It hit me yesterday morning that I needed to find my golf clothes. There were a few boxes to go through to find them and then they needed to be washed. Golf was good - it could have been better. Our team came last but we had fun. When I got home I was a bit sore. HA! I could barely walk. It was the first round since the long weekend in May.

It was 7:30 this morning when a dump truck dropped dirt on our neighbours front yard. It looks like they are going to start grading and then sodding the yards. Unfortunately ours isn't in the plan quite yet - they are still working on the house on the other side of us and the builder is probably waiting until it is done. There was no sense staying in bed so I got on my way to work.
What do you do when you are at work by 8:30? My plants needed some water so now they are nicely refreshed. Some of the hostas are about to bloom.

New yarn arrived this morning. I love these bears - they are way too cute. I had to order in the fur yarn to make them.

Lynn brought in her knitting this morning for some show and tell. She is knitting Windward (one of my favourite patterns - you can purchase it on Ravelry) with 2 skeins of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Silk Single.

Magmatic Boom is growing. The pattern is very well written. If you can knit, purl, increase, decrease and yarn over then you can make this.

My body is still a bit sore (which means I can't unpack or clean) so I'm going to move to my chair and knit for the evening.

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