Sunday, April 26, 2015

Yarn and Puppies

We had a great day at the Frolic. A room full of yarn and knitters. How can that be a bad day?

Thank you to the Frolic organizers and volunteers for a great day.

Thank you to dad and Beth for helping Friday night and then coming back yesterday afternoon to pack up.

Thank you to my crew - Lynn, Sarah and Wannietta. You won't see Wannietta in any pictures because she was also a Frolic volunteer and was working that job before the show opened. Once the crowds were let in we didn't have time for more pictures.

Dad, Beth, Lynn and I went on Friday night to set up the booth. Lynn stayed overnight and we headed out early to finish up in the morning. Unfortunately I didn't take into account the extra time needed because the DVP was closed. It was a bit of a rush to get ready. When Sarah arrived she asked about booth pictures. I handed her my phone and off she went.

Sarah Selfie.

Sarah and Lynn Selfie. They knit the cover sweater of the newest Interweave in Mrs. Crosby Carpet Bag. Now everyone is thinking about their Knitter's Fair sweater. We need to decide early so that Wannietta can get in on this.

We had some special visitors in the booth late Saturday afternoon. Missy has been working with Guide Dogs for years. She takes them for the first year of their life and they go everywhere. She's had dogs in my store. At the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival. They go on vacation. To the bar. Wherever Missy goes, the dog goes. Right now she has two.
Beth told me to trade yarn for this guy. He is so cute. I want/need him.
Here is a link to the website about Guide Dogs. Rick Mercer did a segment on them and until then I didn't realize that Guide Dogs get no government funding. These dogs are a life saver for many people.

Today is all about rest. And knitting. I need to get back to my pashmina shawl. Tomorrow we unpack. I'm hoping that if I leave everything in the van that someone will magically unload it for me.


  1. The booth looked fabulous, as usual :)

  2. It looks like a great show! I love the yarn AND the puppy! I have a friend who is President of Paws With a Cause. They also raise pups to become service dogs. They have been on board here on the ship before and will be here again in January, 2016, with 21 adult service dogs and handlers. It will be a fabulous cruise!

  3. Beautiful show - and pup!

    Julie - can you help! I'm knitting the santorini wrap - but when I get to the end of Row 3, I never have 6 stitches left to end the row. Always 5 - what am I doing wrong? I have counted and counted and counted - I have the right number cast on (86) and do all the yarn-overs/knit 1 as per the pattern and still can't get 6 stitches left. Please help!

  4. Dore - I don't have the pattern at home with me. I will be back in the store on Tuesday and will take a look at it. If I'm near the store tomorrow I will stop in. If you can email me the directions for row 2 and 3 I can take a look sooner.
