Monday, August 11, 2014


These shawls were knit before the Frolic, when the yarn from Mrs. Crosby was still secret, and I couldn't share pictures. I'm not sure why it has taken so long to post them.
This is the Quaker Yarn Stretcher (pattern purchased on Ravelry). It was the first (and only) shawl that Beth has knit. She thought it was fun at the beginning but then the rows got longer and then it wasn't fun anymore. The pattern calls for worsted weight yarn but she used Mrs. Crosby Satchel and double stranded it. This gives the tweedy look.

A Color Affection (pattern from Ravelry) knit in Mrs. Crosby Satchel.
Pattern: Jet Stream (from Ravelry)
Yarn: 2 skeins of Mrs. Crosby Satchel

Today has been spent working on Camp. If you're coming, watch your inbox. Homework is going out tonight. There isn't much - don't panic :)

Mom and dad made it home safely last night. They had an amazing time. I think if we said that they could go again in a few weeks they would jump at the chance. It was a quilting cruise and mom said that her classes were awesome. It was their first time visiting Victoria and Seattle and they loved both cities. Dad even fit a baseball game in on Saturday night.

Big Brother is getting interesting. It is always fun when the alliances start cracking and people start turning on each other. We totally forgot to watch Flipping the Block. We have it taped for later tonight. One team is out of money and the condo isn't finished yet. Oops! I'm into the 4th pattern on Itineris. I'm hoping to make some headway on it tonight.

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