Friday, August 22, 2014


The shipment was in the storage unit by 9:30 this morning. 25 boxes. Luckily the store doesn't open until noon on Friday so I could go and start unpacking. Four large bags came this morning and four more came this afternoon.
Thank goodness the weather was nice so that I could have the top down on the car. It's not the most friendly car for lugging around yarn.

New colours of tosh sock.

I'm heading home to pick up Beth and we're going to dinner with friends. I'm posting now because I'm not sure when we'll be home. And it's been a really long day so I'll want to go to bed the minute we walk in the door.


  1. I have lately been addicted to Madelinetosh.

  2. That must be a sight! Love the green of your car...goes with lots of yarn colours :)

  3. OMG Julie my hubby saw you yesterday when he was exiting the 403 on Wilson. He told me he saw this green thing with stuff sticking out the back. When it got closer he realised it was you with the top down in a car full of yarn. I laughed when he told me, more so when you posted the above pic. Who needs a truck, you go girl!

  4. Polly, that's hilarious!
