I'm watching online until the coverage comes on TV. These are some pictures from my iPad. It looks beautiful.
Beth called about an hour ago from the course. You aren't allowed to bring in cell phones so I didn't think that I would hear from them until they were in the truck tonight heading back to Myrtle. AT&T has phones all over the course. And it's free.
She said that dad is in his glory!!
We should have some green yarn content in the post. Here is one of Lorna's Laces new colours for spring.
Glen Ellyn
I just got off the phone from madelinetosh. More yarn will be leaving there in 2 weeks and should be here in 4 weeks.
-merino light
-merino dk
Unfortunately this isn't the shipment with the new colours. That should be about 2 weeks after this one.
Are you a member of the DKC? I just read this on their Facebook page.
NEW MEETING VENUE!!!!!April, May and June meetings will take place at Claude Bissell building, just across Sussex Street from Innis College.Walking south on St. George from Bloor, cross Sussex Street and walk to the entrance of the Robarts Library. From there, follow the signs to meeting room 205 on the second floor,
There is a ramp entrance on Sussex street, on the west end of the Bissell building. There will be numerous signs and greeters to orient you the night of the meeting. It sounds complicated, but this complete UofT virgin went and checked yesterday and it is easy as pie.See you there!
I'm back in the store for Nadine's class. I talked to Beth and they are heading back to Myrtle. They had a great time. Something tells me that this might become an annual event for them. Beth said that Augusta was the best place on earth. A beer, pop and 2 sandwiches cost them $8. Yes, eight not the thirty or forty you would pay at other events. There were no lines. So many people were working that they never had to wait for food, to buy shirts and hats (and from what I understand dad and Beth bought lots of those) or the washrooms.
Sleeve one of my cardigan is done and the second is just past the edging. I'm going to knit for an hour while Nadine teaches. My goal is to be blocking the pieces on Saturday.