Saturday, July 06, 2013

Happy Saturday

This is the greeting I got from Maggi when she came in today. Actually, she greets me with Happy _________whenever she visits the store. It always makes me smile so I thought I would pass it along to you.

Four balls of Rowan Kidsilk Haze Stripe found their way into my knitting bag last night. I think that this will be my next Color Play Mohair Wrap. When done it will have to be named. Maybe a contest?? Watch for details as I start knitting.

Today's knitting was on Windward.

It's growing. I think I just finished row 190.
It's almost time to head out for dinner. Tomorrow is Beth's birthday. Now the decision. We are going to Lone Star for dinner. Should we tell them it's her birthday and have them come out to sing and embarrass her terribly?


  1. Hehe. Happy birthday to Beth. Yes, go the whole party and have them sing. :) She may not admit it, but she'll probably enjoy it.

  2. Yes, you must tell them it's her birthday, we only live once.
