Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, February 18, 2013

Christmas in February

It was Family Day in Ontario today. The store was closed so Beth and I decided to make a road trip. Square One in Mississauga was open so we went to buy some Lush. It might as well been Christmas. The roads leading into the mall were jammed. JAMMED!! Then trying to get a parking space was crazy. People were cutting each other off. You had to get aggressive or you were never going to get anywhere. We made the executive decision that I was going to drop Beth at the door and drive around until she was done. Bingo. A spot opened right at the door. Talk about a gift. We have a huge bag of Lush. Then we stopped at Panera Bread. I wish there was one closer to us.

I got back to work on the Inspira Cowl. The colours look great.

We are caught up on almost all our shows. There are a few episodes of CSI taped so I'm going to watch one and knit before bed. It's a big day tomorrow. Four boxes of tosh. Kim and I are going to have fun putting it all away.


  1. I live down the street from Square One, didn't realize it was open, next time park at my place.

  2. OMG I love those colors !!! Think i have to go to the US to buy some good yarn !
    Patti xx

  3. We're having Christmas in February, too. :) I can't get over how many people were at the outlet malls as we passed by on our recent road trip.

  4. Anonymous7:59 AM

    There is a Panera Bread in Oakville just east of the 403 exit on Dundas (in Best Buy Plaza)
