Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Woodstock Fleece Festival

We had a great day yesterday in Woodstock. It started very early-the doors opened at 8:30 so Lynn, Kim and I were there before 7 to finish the booth set up. Jane met us just after 7.

Thanks to Lynn, Kim and Jane for their help! I couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth. This show is a bit more relaxed than The Knitters' Fair which means I get to talk to people when they are in the booth.

And a big thanks to Linda Curry, her family and her great crew of volunteers for putting on another fantastic show.

Today will spent watching TV and knitting. I have the colours for another linen stitch scarf and plan on doing nothing else for the rest of the day. :)


  1. What a fun event! Such gorgeous items and yarns there. I love that circular, purple sweater/jacket.

    Enjoy your day knitting. I'm on a roll working on a sweater for daughter's birthday next week. Will I make it? I think so. ;)

  2. Linda in Waterloo3:57 PM

    Sorry to have missed the Festival this year. Glad you had a good day.
