Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shawl Pins

I have fallen behind on my blog posts this week. If you have been in the store you know that I haven't been feeling well. Monday I was at the doctors and she ordered chest xrays. She was afraid I had fractured some ribs or had a collapsed lung. The xrays came back negative. I am still coughing like crazy so I went to see her again today. I am now on my fourth round of antibiotics and an inhaler. Hopefully this will cut down on the coughing.

Beth did the grocery shopping on Monday and felt sorry for me so she brought me home a plant. Phalaenopsis Orchid.
It is beautiful! Now I have to keep it alive. :) I don't have my Oma's green thumb.

There hasn't been any knitting. With all the coughing my chest and shoulder blades are sore. A couple of trips to the chiropractor and they aren't as sore but I'm trying to rest them.

A box of shawl pins and buttons are on the way from BC. They should be in the store on Wednesday morning. Just in time for Camp.

The shawl pins are made of wood and the colours are fabulous.

Think of that cardigan you are making. You are already dreading the button holes. Now you don't need to make them. Do plain bands and use a shawl pin.

We are almost set for Camp. Beth and I just finished making up the door prizes. My suppliers were very generous with their donations. It was very hard not to dip my hand in and take a few things. Now it's time for some football and then Big Brother. When will they get rid of Dan? He is going to win it all again.


  1. Linda in Waterloo11:18 PM

    I hope you begin to feel better! You must be exhausted. Get well!

  2. You need a few quiet days to get better. Take care of you,
    Julie Ann

  3. Get well soon, Julie. You gotta get Groovy finished. I have 2 more 20 row sets and I'm binding off.

  4. I've always liked Dan, so I don't mind if he wins BB. But I like Ian and Danielle as well, so I'll be happy no matter who wins.

    I hope your cough goes away soon.
