Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Kate's Here

Kate Atherley is in the store today teaching Entrelac and Finishing.

She is showing off her Entrelac scarf knit in Noro Silk Garden-colour 211 which is one of my favourite colours.

People have been coming upstairs during class to look at different yarns and everyone tells me what a great teacher Kate is. She explains things in a way that everyone can understand. If a student falls behind or doesn't get a technique right away Kate is very patient and gets them caught up.

Kate will be back Saturday September 15 and Saturday November 17. I will post next week with her workshops for September.

I know that the ladies have been concentrating on their work because there hasn't been too much noise coming from downstairs.

They had fun with the Entrelac and everyone got their sample piece finished.
Beth baked chocolate chip cookies last night for Kate. I'm glad there is still some on the plate. Beth wouldn't let me have any last night and I might be able to sneak one this afternoon.

The afternoon session was Finishing. Kate loves teaching Finishing. There is something very satisfying about seeing the students faces when they are doing the mattress stitch for the first time. It is like a whole new world is opened for them. Their garments will have perfect seams.

When I got home from work the dogs and I had a lay down. Beth just got home from golf with some dinner for me and now I'm ready to knit. Five more rows to go on Clue #2. My goal is to get into Clue #3 tonight so that I have something to show in tomorrow's post.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I hope you got one of those cookies. ;)
