Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home Again

We made it home today in record time. 6 hours and 45 minutes. I drove the whole way and wouldn't stop for Beth or Bev. :)

Betsy, Heather and Meg from Classic Elite yarns drove from Massachusetts to the show. On the way they played the license plate game trying to see how many states they could get. Meg has an app for her iPhone that kept track for them. I decided that we were going to play it on the way home to keep me amused during the drive. We didn't have an app so Beth wrote on a napkin. We ended up with
Nebraska, Michigan, California, Minnesota, Oregon, West Virginia, Louisiana, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Wyoming, Kansas, Wisconsin, Washington, Arizona, Vermont, Indiana, Ohio, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, Texas, Maine, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Tennessee, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, Virginia, Iowa, Maryland and New York. 35 States. Not bad. The ladies got 39 on their trip to the show but they had a 12 hour drive. We also got Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Ontario. I would slow down as we passed someone so that I could see where the vehicle was from. If I couldn't get it then it was Bev's job. Beth was in the back and was totally useless at seeing the plates.

I'm a little tired (okay really tired) and I'm not sure why. We were in bed by 11 every night which is very strange for us. It could be waking before 7 every morning. There are lots of pictures and information to share over the next week.

Here are a few pictures for tonight. A couple are repeats but the pictures that I posted at the show came out small. I can't go back and adjust the post-it distorts the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're home safely, in record time, I've never been able to keep track of license plates. You guys did well. Love all the new pics.
