Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, May 14, 2012

Noro Premiere Issue

I had no idea what I was going to post about today. Then an email came in with a preview of the Noro magazine. Thank you Kathryn.
I went appliance shopping for mom and dad today. I think I have everything picked out. Beth and I will go and buy them on Thursday night. Then I went for a pedicure. As I was leaving the spa I called Beth to see if we needed anything at home. She was at mom and dad's townhouse-all the cabinets were delivered today. We met at home and then headed back so I could see them.

This is from the loft-all the kitchen cabinets.
We didn't get much information from Myrtle Beach. I was going to stay in their house this weekend but now I am renting a condo in the complex. The smoke smell in the house is still really bad. Tina has fans running throughout the house.

I wasn't shocked when Kim won Survivor last night. We did lots of fast forwarding through the Survivor Reunion. Colton sure didn't come off very apologetic for his comments. On the other hand I think that Alicia seemed genuine in her apology.

Hockey, baseball, basketball, Big Break and Top Chef Canada. It's TV time.

1 comment:

  1. You've been so busy. ;)

    That new yarn looks so soft. *sigh*

    I waited for My Honey this morning while he had a doc appointment. I took my knitting, of course, not to waste a minute sitting and doing nothing. It's amazing how much you can get accomplished in a waiting room. :) And, I am convinced from the conversations my knitting started that knitting in public encourages the activity with back-sliding knitters!
