Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, April 23, 2012

Melo had a bad day

Last week while petting Melo I noticed a lump in his ear flap. It's been a long day and I'm not really sure what the correct term is. It was noticeably bigger yesterday so Beth took him to the vets today. He had a hematoma. We have no idea how he got it but the vet suggested that they cut the flap and drain the blood. Now he has a bandage around his head with a cut out for his good ear.

He isn't a happy dog.

I checked out yesterday and knit all day. The front band on the vest is done and I have picked up for both side gussets. I'm worried that I am going to run short of the ribbon so I'm working both at the same time. This way I can add in another yarn should I run out. All was going well until I transposed numbers. I was supposed to cast off stitches until I had 54 left. For some reason I thought 45. After two rows I realized my mistake and had to do some ripping back. No, it didn't make me happy.

The front bands on Gnarled Oak were blocked as well. Now they sit nice and flat.

Much of today was spent on accounting. Taxes (personal and HST) are due on Monday and I don't want to have to think about it Sunday afternoon after the Frolic. They are done!! Yay me. :) Now I can get the vest done.

Last week I talked about the artificial grass in the back yard.  Julia asked a question on that post and I thought I would answer here in case others were wondering what I was talking about. There is a company called AGL in Stoney Creek who does artificial grass for sports stadiums (Ivor Wynn) and outdoor pools (Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas). They also do yards. Beth heard about this and called to check it out. They came, ripped out our yard, put down stones and then the artificial grass. Water drains great. We shovel the dog's business. It looks great 365 days a year. Nice and green. There are no dirty dog prints in our house. The initial outlay was large but has been totally worth it.

I am sick of looking at my computers. There are two out on the counter and I was working with both today. It's time for hockey and then Top Chef Canada.


  1. Aww, my mom's dog had that happen to her ear too.

  2. Oh my goodness, poor little baby dog. Hope Melo is right as rain tomorrow.

  3. Awww, poor Melo. It's such a shame we can't explain things to them, isn't it. Such a sweetie.

  4. Linda in Waterloo1:34 PM

    Ouch! I hope the patient and his best buddy cope well and the recovery is speedy. (Don't tell him he looks cute in the head wrap.)
