Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Knitter's Frolic

I just walked in the door. The Frolic was great. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth. If I didn't talk to you I am sorry. It was crazy busy. Crazy busy. Jane, Lynn and I didn't talk to each other until after 1. There wasn't time.

There are many people to thank
-dad and Beth for helping yesterday with set up and then coming this afternoon to tear down the booth. They unloaded the truck already and that saves me hours of time on Monday.
-Lynn who helped with set up and then worked all day today
-Jane for working in the booth all day today
-Cathy for looking after the store for the past two days
-Wannietta who stayed up until 4 this morning to finish a sample for the booth
-the amazing ladies of the Downtown Knit Collective for putting on an amazing show.

Here are pictures from Friday afternoon
Lynn came running over on Friday afternoon and told me to get my camera. My dad-sitting on the floor putting tosh dk and merino dk on the stand.

His finished work. The tosh looked great

I got a few pictures this morning but the lights hadn't been turned on in the hall yet so things are a bit dark.
Trendsetter sent me a box of samples that arrived just as we were pulling out of the driveway yesterday. They took the vest kit and made a stole in the Lipstick colour way. It looked great sitting above my vest.
 The vest in purples and greens.
Wildflower from Coastal Knits. Wannietta was picking up the front band when I saw her yesterday afternoon. She finished both bands and sewed in the sleeves last night. The cardigan is knit in tosh pashmina. Very soft. The bottom bands are beautiful. I didn't get the pocket detail but will get another picture this week.

Beth just brought home a pizza. Now it's time for Nascar and hockey. My fingers are itching to knit but I know that I will be asleep within an hour. Tomorrow I might start a new project.


  1. Your booth was great! even better in the pics. Filled with eager shoppers when I was there. Enjoyed my first visit.

  2. Congrats on a successful show! :)

  3. I live for a deadline ... I don't know why I had a bit of a roadblock on it - the yarn & pattern were beautiful - until I was on the homestretch.

    Your booth was beautiful as always!!
