Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, March 16, 2012

Is feels like summer

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you get up early. I was tossing and turning this morning so I decided to get up and get my day going-much earlier than I had planned. I got some website updates done and orders placed before 9am. Then I went to get a new mask for my CPAP. I never sleep without my CPAP and my mask was starting to get a bit yucky. Can't wait to get to bed tonight. :)

I hope you are experiencing the beautiful weather we are having in Southern Ontario. It feels like summer. I have the door of the store propped open because it is so warm out. My car said 19C. Unbelievable.

I didn't get a lot of knitting done last night but here is my vest so far. You can put the colours wherever you want so every one's vest will be a bit different.

I'm knitting in my ends as I go so there won't be any sewing when I'm done. Sewing in ends ranks right up there with sewing on buttons.
I just found the button to edit photos on my phone. How did I miss this before? I can rotate photos before emailing them to myself. What a great feature.

I was able to work on Gnarled Oak this afternoon. I have two more rows of the chart to do (one knit row, one purl row) and then five rows of garter stitch for the collar.
Here are a couple of close ups of the leaves. The cardigan is in the front window and the sun is still out so the colours are off.

I just got home from work and the car still says 19C. Not good if you like to ski but great for us golfers.

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