Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I am working away on the yoke of my cardigan. There are 28 rows in the cable pattern and I just finished the 14th row. A discovery has been made while knitting-I am very picky about my cable needle. I didn't like the one I was using last night but the one I am using today is much better.
The brochure to Camp is finally done. I'm very excited about the workshops we are offering-they are all brand new to Camp. Josh Bennett, Beth Casey and Fiona Ellis. We can't ask for any better instructors.

You can download it here...

I received an email today with information on the next Kim Hargreaves magazine to come out. We should have it in May.
There was also an email from madelinetosh. Tosh chunky is in transit.

  • tart
  • well water
  • cousteau
  • smokey orchid
  • kale
  • william morris
  • cove
I kind of took the day off-I knit for most of it. There is yarn I want to knit with and won't start until I get Gnarled Oak done (I know, this has never been a problem in my life before). I haven't watched the Y and R for some time but put it on at 12:30. Adam could see. Then he was blind. Miracle he can see. Then he is blind. Now another miracle and he can see again. I probably won't watch for a while again. :) Then I watched General Hospital. Today was the lead in to Robin's funeral. I remember when she joined the show and watched her grow up. It's sad to see her go.

Knitting class tonight and then TV to watch-that's good for me-lots more knitting time for the evening. Colton on Survivor could be the most annoying player ever. It will be interesting to see what he tries to pull tonight. Please let us have good songs on Idol tonight. And a new Criminal Minds.

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