Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Honey Cowl is done

I got to work early this morning and thought about washing the floors. They are in desperate need but with it snowing outside there was no sense starting. Instead I did some rearranging. The new Offhand Designs bags are spread throughout the store. 

I found a mannequin for Color Affection and it lives with the tosh merino light.

I didn't understand how the colours worked when I first saw the pattern. You start with the purple. Then it is purple and lime. Then stripes of purple, lime and teal. I didn't realize the purple carried all the way through.

Lynda is going to make me another one so I am playing with more colour combinations.

It's Done!! All ends sewn in. All four of them. :) And I did it myself..

Pattern: Honey Cowl
It's free on Madelinetosh's website
You put it in your shopping cart, check out and then it will be emailed to you.

Yarn: 2 skeins tosh dk in smokey orchid
My cowl is the two skein version. You can also make the cowl with one skein. The one skein version just sits around the neck-it isn't long enough to wrap around twice.

Last night I started the first sleeve for Gnarled Oak. Until now I have been jealous of Lynn. She has less stitches on her body than I do making the rows go faster. I have more stitches on my sleeve to start which meant that I could do the ribbing on double pointed needles and move to a 40cm circular right away when I started the stocking stitch. Lynn will have some increases to do before the 40cm circular will work.

For members of the Around the Bay Knitting Guild please note that there is a date change for the next meeting. From the guild blog
Please note that our March meeting has been moved and will now be held on Tuesday, March 13 at 7pm at the Marlatt Family Centre on King Street in Dundas.

Please pass this update along to any knitting/guild friends. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the color combinations in the first one, too. Working with colors certainly makes knitting more fun than just one color on a big project.
