Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, February 27, 2012

Almost reached my goal

I almost finished the sleeve last night. The increases are done and I have half an inch to go.

Jane is home from Florida and back in the store today. I've done two loads of laundry, packed four boxes and started on paperwork.

I was planning on spending the afternoon watching the Daytona 500-rain yesterday postponed it until noon today. There is more rain in Daytona so now the plan is for the race to start at 7pm. I'm going to do some errands this afternoon and then watch the race tonight-hopefully they don't get any more rain.

It's later in the day and I am home from my travels. One of my stops was in Burlington for Beth. She had papers to be picked up at the accountants. It was a weird feeling going through the front doors. This is the same firm I worked for when I was in university and it was my first time back since I finished school.

The race is about to start. I hope it makes me knit faster. :)

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