Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lorna's Laces

Their tag line is "We make pretty string". When you walk through the Lorna's Laces booth it is hard to disagree.

Remember the great sock kits we received before Christmas? There are four new colours coming.

I didn't get the name of this beautiful sweater but I will find out. It is a pattern that you can buy on Ravelry.

The ladies were busy and I didn't get the name of this cardigan either. Another thing added to my to do list for when I get home.

There are new colours coming in many different yarns.

You are correct. Another pattern that I didn't get the name of. It is great looking and I would like it in this colour. :) I am going to be very busy knitting to get everything done that I want.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Wow, paradise. Wonderful yarns. I like the "yarn head" display. It fits me perfectly. ;)

  2. Linda in Waterloo4:33 PM

    It's been great to read your posts. Thanks for sharing the trip!
