Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Resolution

Last night I was a knitting maniac. I'm taking my Get Things Finished rule very seriously. I'm into the fourth ball on my poncho - approximately half way done.

I found a jacket in my closet that is knit and just needs to be sewn together and the collar added. Really. Couldn't I have done this by now?

I considered starting sewing last night but it was 11 and I don't think that is a good time to sit down and sew.

The jacket is called Rochdale and is from Rowan magazine 46.  It was an easy knit. Rowan Big Wool and large needles are a great combination.

My new law is that I have to finish two things before I can start something new. This doesn't include small things that I need for store samples such as a scarf. I can't wait to have many new garments to wear in the new year.

Hope you have a Happy and Safe New Years.

1 comment:

  1. :) I have some WIPs, too, but have now ordered them by how soon I need to get them finished. I like to enjoy knitting so put special orders far enough into the future to be sure that I can get them finished with without taking time away from family. My problem now is family who want more things knitted for them! Go figure. ;)

    Happy New Year!

    All the best,
