Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. I hope you are spending time with family and friends.

The weather today is amazing. Sunny and not too cold.

My parents are in Myrtle Beach for a few weeks. Last night they went to church for a Christmas Eve service. The minister came over to say hi and noticed the people beside my parents were new to the church. They all started talking and the people are from Sudbury. When they got to Myrtle Beach their car broke down. It can't get fixed until next week. My parents have two cars there-the one they drive down and one that stays there year round. They loaned the people one of their cars until next week. My parents have the Christmas spirit.

I must say that I am very happy we aren't hosting dinner today. No cleaning the house. Preparing food for a week. Renting tables, chairs, dishes, cutlery, table clothes and napkins. No cleaning the house for the next week.

Our contribution to dinner is a cake and cookies. Doesn't sound like much but they are the first to go.

These are the sugar cookies. In our house when you add eggs to the mix that is considered baking.

Iced sugar cookies

And decorated with sprinkles.

Now it is time to make chocolate chip cookies. Much easier. :)

Have a great afternoon. Hopefully you will find some time to knit.

1 comment:

  1. You have wonderful parents. And, your cookies look wonderful! Now, back to my knitting after checking into blog land for a few minutes. :)
