Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

As Promised

I promised you pictures of a finished Spectra and here they are. I finished the knitting last night. I still need to sew in the ends and block the scarf but I'm close.

Pattern: Stephen West's Spectra
We have copies in the store or you can buy on Ravelry

Yarn: 1 ball of Noro Silk Garden Sock (will also work with Kureyon Sock and Taiyo Sock)
1 ball of tosh merino light

On Thursday I received an email from the US post office that madelinetosh had sent me 4 boxes. What is in the boxes? I have no clue. I just called there and am waiting for an email with the specifics. It looks like tosh dk, merino dk and merino. No vintage or tosh merino light.

In yesterday's post I mentioned the game we played on Christmas. Irene had some questions.
-women buy for women and men buy for men
-we do $30-$40 for a gift
-we usually start with the women
-all women's gifts are on the floor and we sit in a circle
-everyone is given a number
-#1 starts and picks a gift
-#2 can take the gift from #1 or from the floor
-#3 can take from #1 or #2 or the floor
-If #3 took from #1 then #1 can take from someone else (not the person who took from her) or from the floor
-after you have been stolen from 3 times the next gift you take is yours-no one can steal from you
-the game keeps going until the last gift is taken from the floor

We always have lots of laughs playing the game.

It is later in the day and I received my invoice from madelinetosh. The boxes include

tosh dk
well water
smokey orchid

merino dk
william morris

william morris
amber trinket

william morris

I have picked up Tudor Grace (a knitspot pattern that I am knitting in tosh pashmina) again. I'm not sure how long I want the scarf. It is definitely longer than the pattern, which is a good thing, but I have more yarn so I can keep going. Do I want to keep going or get it done and onto something else?

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