Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pre Camp

Beth and I are sitting in the lobby at Bayview Wildwood watching Survivor. We left Ancaster around 2 and after a few stops were here at 5. Of course one of the stops was at Webers.

We worked on the goodie bags which we thought would take some time. They went quickly which gave us time to read. I never have time to read so it was nice to relax for a bit with a book.

I forgot to mention that yesterday we received two new colours of Noro Kogarashi. I quickly packed up a box and sent it off to Lynda to make this great vest from the new Noro book City Girl.

I had a hard time deciding which colour because they are both great but 19 won.

There is a card game going on in the lobby which makes watching TV difficult. We're heading back to the cabin for a bit more reading and then a good night sleep. Tomorrow is going to be busy!!

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