Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Knitters' Fair 2011

Yesterday was a long day but it was well worth it. I was up at 5am and out the door at 6. There was a stop at the store for a few things I forgot and then off to Kitchener.

The 'girls' showed up at 8 and we got the booth in order just in time for the 9:30 opening. There was a bit of fun with our visa machine. We would lose reception and couldn't take debit cards. Most credit cards were done the old fashion way. Of course everyone was great. We were at a show of knitters. People in line were understanding. They would talk with others around them. Thank you everyone. It could have been very stressful if people were upset.

We were busy all day. I am sorry if I didn't say HI to anyone. Everything is a blur.

I took a picture of the 'girls' and then Sarah went around the booth taking pictures.
Sarah, Wannietta and Lynn. Sarah and Lynn are wearing madelinetosh's tea leaves cardigan-Sarah in Vintage and Lynn in Merino. Sarah decided that everyone had to wear purple so I had Linda knit Chromatic for Wannietta in Liberty from Classic Elite.

The show ended at 4:30 and it took us an hour to tear down the booth and load the van.

Beth was very helpful yesterday. She woke at 5:30 to make our lunches. Then she was in Kitchener at 4 to help with the tear down. When we got home she made dinner while I put through all the credit card slips.

After dinner I moved to the couch to watch the Nascar race. No I didn't see the finish. I was out cold.

This morning Beth and I went and unloaded the van. The store is a mess again. I have my work cut out for me tomorrow. Unpacking and then starting to pack again for Camp.

There are many people to thank

  • Everyone who stopped by the booth
  • The Kitchener Waterloo Knitters' Guild for putting on another great show
  • Cathy for working in the store
  • Sarah, Wannietta and Lynn for helping in the booth
  • Beth for her work the past few days 
Now it's time for the couch again. Are you ready for some football?

1 comment:

  1. It was an excellent day all the way 'round!!!
