Friday, September 30, 2011


It is Thursday morning and I am super tired. Last night was very late. We were on the edge of our seats watching baseball. I can't believe that Tampa Bay pulled it out and won. I did get some knitting done but forgot to bring it to work to get a picture.

This morning I am trying to complete the rearranging. Just when I think I have it figured out I change my mind. I need to stop thinking and start doing.

Now it is Friday afternoon. I thought I was tired yesterday. After work last night I ran home to change and then off to Carmen's. It was the annual dinner to raise money for Honduras. My dad goes every November on a mission trip. All money raised goes to Honduras, it is not used for travel or for administration. The evening was a huge success. The money is divided between many needs including building wells, education and building credit unions that loan out money to people to start their own business. My dad loves his time in Honduras.
Dad is on the left. Many trips ago they finished off a community centre that houses junior and senior kindergarten. Every trip they visit the children at school. My dad speaks to the graduating students as they get ready to start grade one.

Read more about the Carpenteros..

My rearranging is almost done. I was hoping to have the store perfect for Kate's visit tomorrow but I am admitting defeat. Almost but not quite.

Here is the display at the front of the store that I took yesterday. I took more while leaving tonight and they are blurry. I will get a good one tomorrow of the finished display.

I have gone through the store and added scarves to the sweaters.
We have a lot of scarves knit up!

It's rest time. Grey's Anatomy is taped and waiting for us. There is also a baseball game. Come on Detroit. Have a good game one.

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