Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, September 05, 2011


Today is the last Monday that the store is closed until the spring. I am taking advantage of it and going golfing this afternoon.

Yesterday I blocked the Mystery Shawl. Small problem. My styrofoam isn't big enough. I laid it out on the pool table and did some of the pinning into towels. When dad gets home from Myrtle Beach I am going to get a big piece.

The pictures aren't great as it is lying out in the basement. The pot lights are shining right down on it and the camera doesn't like that.

It is really cold in the basement and I was afraid that it would take days to dry. When I was down there this morning it is almost ready. Tomorrow I can get good pictures at work.

Last night I was supposed to be watching the Nascar race but it was rained out. The selection on TV was poor so Beth fired up Netflix. They have added some new TV series and we watched an episode of Rockford Files. There was some really hokey parts but it was good for keeping my occupied while knitting. Knitting? What am I working on? I pulled Lois back out. The first half is almost done.

Beth is yelling at me to hurry up. We are dropping the dogs at my parents on the way. Have a great day. It is cool in Southern Ontario. I can't believe I am saying this but I will have a jacket with me on the golf course.

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