Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, August 18, 2011

On my way

I am sitting in the terminal waiting for the plane to arrive. It was an uneventful trip until the border. The border guard spent a lot of time with the car in front of me. Lots of questions. Open the trunk. Get down on hands and knees to look under the car. More questions. Then look under the car again. He pulled them in and I was starting to worry that he was going to give me a hard time too. "Where are you going?" "How long?" "Why?" "Bringing anything that you will be leaving there?" " Have a good trip."

I was the last car that got into the lot right in front of the terminal. It's not a long walk from the other lot but this one is better. The check in line was huge. They don't work quickly here. If you are checking luggage you have to pay. They hand write receipts for payments. It's like the dark ages. The good thing about slow check in is that the security line is always short.

The plane just arrived from Myrtle so we will be on time. Land at 11:15 and then lunch with dad. Mom has 'ladies lunch' today with a group from the neighbourhood. Dad is hoping to be on the golf course by 3.

How about Big Brother last night? The look on Rachel's face was priceless. How could Dani nominate her Brendon?

I can't do a post without pictures. Here are a few more free patterns that you can download from Rowan's website. Bailey and Kew.

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