Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Golf and Hammocks

I survived getting up so early this morning. We drove the back roads to get to the course and everyone keep commenting on the surroundings. I told them that it would look much better if it was light out.

Here are a few pictures from the course-The Heritage.

I played very well. Beat my dad and won $10. Can't complain about that.

There was a bit of a lay down when we got home. Then it was shopping time again. The guest bathroom doesn't have a mirror. Very weird that the owners before us never put one in. Now we have a mirror that dad and I will hang tomorrow afternoon. Then I introduced my parents to 5 Guys Burgers. I think they will be eating there again.

I forgot a few pictures from yesterday. Dad and I went to The Hammock Shops. Beth really wants a hammock for our back yard. The problem is that there are four different colours and three sizes. We decided that she needed to pick out her own.

Dad said it was very comfortable. He wanted to stay and take a nap.

It's knitting time. I have one more repeat to do on The Mystery Shawl. The next clue should be out Monday morning. I won't be ready but I should be close.

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