Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Clue #2

Clue #2 of the Mystery Shawl came through late Sunday night. I didn't get a chance to work on it yesterday but I started on it between customers today.

Look at my stitch markers and then look just below them. There is a tail hanging on my knitting. This is where I added in a colour for intarsia. Why is the tail on the front? Many years ago my friend Keely taught at Knitting Camp. Keely owns a yarn shop in Oklahoma (Sealed With A Kiss) and intarsia is her specialty. This is her little trick. When done I will take that tail to the back. It keeps the first stitch with the new colour tight when you are working. It also stops you from getting a hole where you joined colours.

This is hard to show on the blog. If you are interested in seeing how it works come see me in the store. Cast on 15 stitches and work a few rows in stocking stitch. Bring another colour with you and I can demonstrate.

I still don't have a chair in my sewing room so we took down one of the bar stools from our kitchen. Much too high for sewing so I need to go and get a chair. Instead of starting with new fabric I decided to work on the quilt that has been sitting on my sewing table for the past three years. It is almost done and I am using it for practice. That is my thought plan this morning but when I get home tonight I have a feeling that I will be cutting new fabric. Here are the colours of Amy Butler fabric that I will be using.

I'm home from work and there won't be any quilting tonight. Quilting is like knitting-you shouldn't do it when you are tired.

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