Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, July 03, 2011

We are ready. Sort of.

We are having a great time in Myrtle. The house is starting to take shape. Every day we find something else that we need. Today it was mixing bowls.

Here is a picture from our golf game yesterday afternoon. It was almost 7:30. Beth was walking through a trap to get her golf ball. It looks like she is on Expedition Impossible.

Tomorrow afternoon our friends are arriving to stay with us until Friday afternoon. Beth and I did running around today getting last minute things. Puzzles and games for the kids (both indoor and outdoor). Yahtzee was one of the games and Beth is warming up the dice so we can have a game when I am done my post.

This afternoon I made dried flower arrangements for all three bedrooms.

I still can't find the cord to recharge my camera battery. I went into Best Buy before we left home and they don't sell them. I have to call Nikkon and order it from them. What a pain!!

I will try taking this tomorrow when there is natural light in the room. When I was standing closer the flash would go off and then the walls looked really brown. Not sort of brown like they do here. :)

There is one more in the bedroom that Beth is staying in but the room is a disaster and I couldn't take a picture. She will be moving to mom and dad's house tomorrow night so I will get a picture when the room is back in order.

I baked cookies today. Yes, I did put the dough on the cookie tray and put it in the oven. I had to make sure that I took them out and didn't burn them. That is baking cookies. No I didn't mix the dough. There is a great thing called Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Why go to all the work when these taste great?

Beth is yelling at me to hurry. The dice are warm and she wants to beat me before bed. It is going to be an early morning. We are golfing in a 4th of July tournament for the home owners here. Shot gun at 9. Be at the course for 8. Get up at 7. Much, much too early.


  1. My daughter bakes her cookies rare, too. ;)

  2. They are the best when they are soft. Maximum of 7 minutes in the oven.
