Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Almost done

Before heading home last night I got a bit more tosh in order. Merino Light is looking much better. There is just a bit more to do and then the store will be back in order.
Did you see the great scarf from Stephen West in the latest in merino light? Creekbed uses four colours. I am looking at the shelves mentally putting colour combinations together as I am writing.

Then I started thinking about the phone call I got this week from Maggi. She is coming in this afternoon to pick up colours for a mystery KAL (knit a long). Stephen West is running one on Ravelry. You need three colours of sock yarn and one of the yarn he suggests is merino light.

Have you participated in a mystery KAL? You have no idea what the finished product is going to look like-you are trusting the reputation of the designer.

I decided to join Stephen's Mystery Shawl KAL. The pattern is purchased and now I need to pick out colours. The first clue to the shawl comes out August 1 and then there will be clues weekly.

Mr. UPS brought a surprise box yesterday afternoon from Rowan.  A few bags of yarn (new colours of Lima and Cocoon) that were missing from our fall order and Edna knit in Colourspun.

When you look at the ball of yarn you don't see the colour gradations but they really show up in the finished garment.

Last night Beth and I started watching a new TV series. Beth had heard good things about Damages with Glenn Close and we were going to purchase the DVD for Season 1. Now we don't have to-we are watching it on Netflix. Four episodes later it was 1am and I forced myself to go to bed. I told Beth to be ready at 4:30 this afternoon so that we can start watching again when I get home. The only problem is that you have to pay attention and not a lot of knitting was accomplished. I picked up Scalene and have 6 more rows until I can cast off.


  1. Season 1 of Damages is AWESOME. The subsequent seasons, however, are TERRIBLE. I had to stop watching about halfway through season 2, I seriously couldn't take it any more.

  2. Thanks for the heads up. Glad we didn't buy the DVDs.

  3. Cathie10:49 PM

    I found the entire series extremely entertaining. Glenn Close is fantastic! We watched it on netflix over the winter and loved it!

  4. I'm knitting Stephen West KAL too. Which colors did you pick?
    And Creekbed is probably my next one.
    I wish I could visit your store to try some Madelinetosh, I can't find it in Montreal, and it's hard to pick colors on the screen...
