Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am writing this on Wednesday afternoon but five posts in one day is a bit much. I am still playing with the new program.

When I look at the last few posts the writing is still too close to the pictures. After a bit of playing between here and blogger I found what I think is the proper HTML coding to make everything better. Somedays I wish that I was born 10 years later than I was so that I could have studied web design in school. Way more exciting than accounting.  :)

Namaste booth

I sent an email to Namaste this to let them know that I saw Beth's picture on Facebook and asked for a picture of their booth in Columbus to share. I showed you bits of their booth but here is the whole thing. Very colourful and very inviting. You definitely want one of everything. During show hours this is one of the busiest booths in the building.

Something has been bothering me while typing my many posts today. When I took typing in school (that is showing my age) we were taught that after a period you were to put two spaces before starting your next sentence. That was drilled into my head and to this day I still do it. When posting on Blogger sometimes this makes things look a little messy. The words on the left margin are in one space. I don't like that. Now I need to practice only one space after a sentence. Not the easiest to do.

There is absolutely no knitting to report. Not a stitch. Maybe tonight.

Beth and I are watching the new season of Master Chef. It is amazing how much nicer Gordon Ramsay is on Master Chef then on Hell's Kitchen. Last season I picked the winner on the first show. This time it is much harder. There are 4 or 5 who are way above everyone else with their cooking skills.

It is Thursday morning and I am back at work. There was no knitting last night. Paperwork got in the way.

Tonight there is a new show starting, Expedition Impossible, and we will definitely be watching. In the 90s and into early 2000 there was a race called The Eco Challenge. This was a 500km (300 mile) non stop race over many days that included running, mountain biking, and canoeing. The participants were some of the best shaped athletes I have ever seen. Mark Brunet (Survivor) created Eco-Challenge and he is toning it down a bit for the new TV show.

In my newsletter that went out this week I talked about Scalene-a fabulous scarf. I have decided what yarn I am going to use. The ball of Freia laceweight wool was an option but I'm think of sending it to Emma and I am going to use Liberty Print from Classic Elite.

Liberty print june

There are two brand new colours for June and I am going to use the colour on the right-Red Rock Canyon.

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